Since I come from a Java background, I have been using properties files for most of the dynamic configuration for the projects. Since using properties files for having reusable values makes looks your code clean.
But since I have been trying to learn python, I decided to make my personal project in python this time and count not find much about using properties files.
How to use properties files?
Python has a module named jproperties. It is a Java Property file parser and writer for Python. For installation, we will run this command into the terminal
pip install jproperties
Now lets create our properties file. I have named my property file as
Here is how my looks like
API_ENDPOINT = "[<>](<>)" userEndPoint = "/users" updateEndPoint = "/graphs"
Now to use this property file we will write a program to read this properties file.
- Import the module
from jproperties import Properties
- Load the properties file into our properties object.
configs = Properties() with open('', 'rb') as read_prop: configs.load(read_prop)
- items method will return a collection of the tuple, Which contains Keys and Corresponding PropertyTuple values
prop_view = configs.items() for item in prop_view: print(item)
Here is what my final code looks like:
from jproperties import Properties configs = Properties() with open('', 'rb') as read_prop: configs.load(read_prop) prop_view = configs.items() for item in prop_view: print(item) print("API Endpoint:",configs.get("API_ENDPOINT").data)
Now let us run the program and see if we could read the properties from the config file.
Here is the output of the program: